They say law firms are stiff. We dare to disagree. We’ll give you a front-row seat into a field full of opportunities and challenges, and ground to grow as a professional. If you provide us with enthusiasm and curiosity, we’ll provide you with opportunities to dive into a culture full of unique people and different ways of doing law to find what really inspires you. Every year, we welcome new talent as part of the Krogerus community. You get to learn from some of the best mentors in the business, without unnecessary hierarchies. Thanks to our hands-on approach and dedication to the wellbeing of our employees, many of our lawyers started as Krogerus trainees and never left. We are always on the lookout for aspiring professionals who are eager to learn. Read about our opportunities below to find out what role suits you best and fill out an application to take the next step in your career! LinkedIn | Instagram | Our trainee programmes Associate Trainee Our Associate Trainee programme is a full-time programme for law students who are close to graduation or have completed at least three years of legal studies. It’s a four-month programme into the bustle of one of the largest law firms in Finland. As an Associate Trainee, you’ll get a front-row seat to the work of a practice group of your interest. Your work consists mainly of assisting our lawyers in various client matters by, for example, gathering information, drafting documents, and conducting legal research. The trainee programme starts with an orientation week and all our trainees receive coaching and feedback helping them grow in the direction of their choice. Read more about the most typical tasks and make your team choice easier. Whether you like fast-paced assignments or analytical work, we have a right team for you. Legal Trainee The role of a Legal Trainee entails working closely with our lawyers and on assignments with a focus on assisting the administration in bankruptcy proceedings and corporate restructuring cases. The trainee programme is usually intended for students who have finished at least three years of legal studies. While the position is part-time (2-4 days a week), your input might occasionally be needed on a full-time basis. Knowledge Management Trainee Being a part of the Knowledge Management team is about assisting our lawyers in legal research and information retrieval and supporting the firm’s legal practices to stay up-to-date on legal, regulatory and market developments. A great way to familiarise yourself with legal research, the trainee programme runs part-time (2-3 days a week) for one year and would suit a student who has finished two to three years of studies and is familiar with most fields of law. Office Support Trainee Being an Office Support Trainee is the perfect way to become familiar with all aspects of legal work. Intended for students in the early phase of their studies, the traineeship runs for at least eight months. It is a part-time role, approximately 1-2 days a week. As an Office Support Trainee, you help keep the office running by assisting our lawyers and business services in various tasks, including collating materials, couriering, and mailing documents and covering for our reception staff at our front desk and switchboard. As an Office Support Trainee, you’ll become familiar with the day-to-day life of one of Finland’s most prestigious law firms, while meeting respected and like-minded professionals. Read more! How to become a part of the Krogerus community? We have four different trainee programmes which are intended for law students, and we recruit about 70 students on an annual basis. The Associate Trainee programme is the most important recruitment channel for permanent lawyer positions. Every year we welcome over 20 permanent legal professionals to Krogerus through the Associate trainee programme. From time to time, we also hire more experienced talents. We already have 260 of us working at Krogerus, and the number is constantly growing! Will you be our new colleague and one of us? You, a future Krogerusian? In an employee, we value preciseness, resilience, solid analytical skills, and an ability to communicate clearly in both Finnish and English. Swedish and other language skills are also highly valued. Most important to us is your motivation and courage to develop as a professional and the willingness to meet new challenges as a part of our team. For us, there is no single recipe for success. We appreciate a wide range of work experience in the legal field, a keen interest in business law and the eagerness to learn. Previous working experience from a law firm is not required. You come to Krogerus to learn! What is the recruitment process like? Our recruitment process for each trainee (programme) position involves one meeting with a recruitment team and a translation or information retrieval task for selected candidates. Throughout the process, you’ll get to meet your potential future colleagues. Students are employed for a fixed term. For permanent positions, we arrange two to three interviews and a personality/motivation test. Our goal is to make decisions shortly after the interview. We are also happy to offer you feedback on your performance and application documents. In addition to learning experience and challenging tasks, we offer you a wide range of benefits and events to support your wellbeing, networking, and development, including for example: sport, lunch and culture benefits and free entry to our private gym including group exercise classes internal trainings and seminars monthly breakfasts, personnel events, and leisure club activities tutoring and feedback rounds Get to know the range of our benefits at or ask the recruitment team! The Krogerus way To us, values are more than a list of words. Our shared values are the guiding principles of our actions and behaviour and shape the unique culture of Krogerus. People centric People are the key ingredient of great client service. That is why we cherish the human aspect of our experts. After all, we’re only as good as our people. Pragmatic We apply a no-nonsense approach to all tasks we engage in. We believe in the power of straightforward solutions to complex problems. Challenger We believe in constant improvement. We’re convinced that everything can be made better (including our own work). This is what keeps us hungry for growth. Collaborative Winning outcomes are created together. As a team we can take on any challenge. Join us Ei uusia työpaikkailmoituksia Send us an open application Meet our people Elia Office Support Trainee ”It was easy to join the team as everyone was supportive and I felt warmly welcome.” Also, Krogerus has a great mentoring programme for trainees: it was rewarding to discuss different career possibilities and to see what it would be like to work as an Associate. Read more Emma Knowledge Management Trainee ”Even though it may sound like a cliché, it’s really the people who make a workplace great.” These people turned work into a blast to the extent that I willingly chose to spend most of my days off at the office studying instead of opting for the library. Read more Ilona Legal Trainee ”I got to be part of our teams’ projects right from the beginning of my traineeship which I greatly appreciated as a new employee.” The difficulty level of work tasks increased with the development of my own knowledge. It´s been rewarding to see how your colleagues trust your skills. Read more Amalia Associate Trainee ”Krogerus is a very modern and youthful law firm with a relaxed atmosphere and no strict hierarchy.” While Krogerus upholds professionalism and high standards of work, it recognizes the importance of healthy work-life balance and open communication. Read more Juristipodi 71. Miten ulkomailla työskentely auttaa juristia kasvamaan ja tavoittelemaan rohkeasti unelmiaan? Tässä jaksossa Krogeruksen Senior Associate Iiris Rantanen ja keväällä osakkaaksi kutsuttu Antti Luhtala kertovat, miten kansainväliset kokemukset ovat vaikuttaneet heidän uraansa ja antaneet uusia näkökulmia omaan osaamisensa kehittämiseen Suomessa. Mitä tapahtuu, kun suomalainen juristi astuu Euroopan unionin tuomioistuimen tai Harvardin ovista sisään? Iiris ja Antti avaavat, miten ulkomailta saadut opit ovat rikastuttaneet heidän ammattitaitoaan ja kehittäneet heidän työskentelytapojaan. Kansainväliset ympäristöt ovat tarjonneet uusia mahdollisuuksia kasvaa ja asettaa rimaa korkeammalle – mutta mitä ”Dream Big” tarkoittaa heidän kohdallaan? Kuuntele jakso veloituksetta Spotifysta, SoundCloudista ja Apple Podcastista! Artikkelit Yksilöllisen kehittymisen tukeminen Krogeruksella – mentoroinnista tukea ja inspiraatiota oman osaamisen kehittämiseen Krogerus Revenue EUR 53 million Amount of personnel 260 We employ students and legal professionals in Helsinki, Turku and Kuopio Contact us Pauliina Sutela Talent Acquisition Specialist Hi! My name is Pauliina and I’m responsible for our trainee programmes. I’m happy to answer your questions regarding our trainee programmes or tell you more about working at Krogerus.