We are a leading independent Finnish law firm, with over 230 employees and a presence in London, New York and Finland. Our expertise extends beyond the legal realm – our strategic business understanding provides valuable insights to our diverse group of corporate clients. Collaborating with a select network of respected law firms around the world, we deliver unparalleled service while upholding the highest standards of quality.

Are you ready to grow and develop both personally and professionally? 

This is what we can offer you:

Training: We invest in learning by providing new employees with extensive induction training and by offering all of our employees high-quality training programmes to support their personal career path and development as a professional.

Support for professional growth: You will be surrounded by a team of professionals that will help you to discover a fresh approach and new working methods. If you are open-minded and ready to work as part of a tight-knit team, you can easily relate to our vision.

Opportunities: Our trainee programmes prepare students for duties handled by junior lawyers and provide excellent work experience and references for future challenges.

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We provide a steady career path for all of our experts – whether you are a trainee, lawyer, or representative of internal business services.

Being a member of the Borenius family can be pretty great. We understand that work is just one half of the work-life balance. To foster a great team spirit at the office, we offer well-rounded perks to all of our employees from Borenius Learning to social activities and well-being.

  • Listen to our latest student podcast.
  • Read more about our trainee programmes on our website.

We have 150+ fee-earners, all of them representing their individual career phase – from trainee, via Associate and Counsel to Partner. By working in different practices and projects, our lawyers gain hands-on experience and expand their expertise in several service sectors while creating new global client relationships.

We value professional growth, which is why we provide our lawyers with customised support through their career planning services and special programmes, such as mentoring by senior colleagues and London rotation. We regularly reflect on how our lawyers progress, outline their training options and professional aspirations, and generally track their professional development and international reach.

Every year, our team welcomes dozens of students from different stages in their studies.

Experience and flexibility. It is important for students to gain work experience in the field as early as possible and to create contacts for the future. Through our Trainee Programmes our trainees will experience working at one of the largest and most experienced law firms in Finland. Our trainees especially appreciate the opportunity to combine hands-on experience with academics at an early stage in their studies.

Student collaboration. We are continuously looking for opportunities to expand our cooperation with students and student organisations. We arrange, for example, events for students, such as office excursions, seminars, and workshops at universities across Finland.

We believe in collective success. Our firm is supported by highly professional business development teams, collaborating closely with our lawyers to deliver optimal results for our clients. These teams include finance, client relations, ICT, knowledge management, legal assistants, HR, and translators, among others.

Ira Wallén, Associate

Real Estate

 I began my Borenius career as a Junior Trainee, and later on I continued as an Associate Trainee in the Real Estate team. This role provided me with the opportunity to work on a diverse range of assignments in real estate, energy, and environmental projects, alongside a team of inspiring colleagues at Borenius. After completing my studies, I was very pleased to join the same team as an Associate in early 2024.”

Joonas Ylä-Rautio, Associate

IP &  Technology

 The opportunity to commence my career as an Associate Trainee in the IP & Tech team allowed me to delve into a variety of IP and technology-related assignments, working alongside dedicated colleagues. My time as a trainee was not only rewarding but also instrumental in shaping my expertise and understanding of the field. After my traineeship, I took the chance to write my thesis with the support of Borenius. In January 2024, I was thrilled to start my role as an Associate in the already familiar IP & Technology team, ready to tackle new challenges and continue my growth with Borenius.

Vilma Lybeck, Associate

Fund Formation

 My first position in the firm was in the role of an Associate Trainee on the Fund Formation and Investment Management team where I had the opportunity to work on a variety of fund formation related assignments together with a great team. After finalising my studies, I returned to Borenius to write my thesis as a Thesis Trainee and moved on to the position of Associate in the spring of 2024.


Would you like to know more about working at Borenius? Our current Trainees, Associates and recruiters have now covered the most frequently asked questions in terms of our trainee programmes. Find the full list of questions and answers on our website.

What makes for a good application?

A good application is carefully drafted, clear and concise. Your application letter should not be more than just one page long, and it should give us a clear indication of what motivates you and whether you are suited for the open position. Please remember to enclose a well-structured CV, any appendices we may require (e.g. a transcript of your studies) and any other additional materials (a video perhaps).

How easy is it to combine my studies with working part time as a Junior Trainee or KM Trainee?

Our Junior Trainees and KM Trainees work, on average, two to three shifts per week. Both our KM and Junior Trainees will organise their shifts together with their teams to ensure that no one needs to skip a class or an exam. In the summer, trainees are welcome to organise their shifts in a way that allows them to take more time off. In a nutshell, our shift system is very flexible in order to make it as easy as possible for our trainees to combine their studies with working part time.

What kind of support does Borenius offer for its Associate Trainees?

Each Associate Trainee undergoes a week of extensive induction training to get a sense of how we do things here at Borenius. The induction week also serves as a great opportunity to get to know your colleagues and the systems we use. In addition, during the induction training, the exiting Associate Trainees get the chance to brief the newcomers on any incomplete assignments and on the culture of each different practice team.


Verojuristin työ: ennakkoluulot vs. todellisuus

Tässä jaksossa pääset heittäytymään mukaan verojuristin työhön.

Kuulemme Katariinan vieraaksi saapuneen Aapo Pessin taustasta, hänen nykyisestä roolistaan Boreniuksella ja pohdimme eroja asianajotoimiston ja Big4:n välillä. Kuulet myös ajatuksia digitalisaation ja teknologisten innovaatioiden vaikutuksista verojuristin roolin näkökulmasta.

Kuuntele jakso veloituksetta Spotifysta, SoundCloudista ja Apple Podcastista!


Traineesta juristiksi – Asianajotoimisto Boreniuksen kaksi tarinaa

Miten harjoittelut valmistavat siirtymistä juristiksi? Millaisia mahdollisuuksia organisaatio tarjoaa henkilökohtaiseen kehittymiseen?

Jaksossa Katariina Tuomela on mikrofonin äärellä yhdessä Asianajotoimisto Boreniuksen Associate juristien Iina Väisäsen ja Kukka-Maaria Martikaisen kanssa. Heidän keskustelussaan käydään läpi trainee-ohjelman ja organisaation tarjoaman tuen merkityksestä ammatilliseen kehitykseen, sekä syvennytään työelämän monimuotoisuuteen. Lisäksi Iina ja Kukkis jakavat merkittävimpiä oppeja ja ajatuksia tähänastiselta uraltaan.

Kuuntele jakso veloituksetta Spotifysta, SoundCloudista ja Apple Podcastista!


Kansainvälinen ura

Kansainvälisyys on rikkaus työelämässä – oli sitten kyse kielitaidosta, monikulttuurisessa työympäristössä työskentelystä tai kansainvälisistä verkostoista. Globaali ura juridiikan parissa houkuttelee monia ja mahdollisuuksia kansainvälistymiselle on tarjolla myös Suomessa. Juristipodin uusimmassa jaksossa perehdytään Boreniuksen tarjoamiin kansainvälisiin uramahdollisuuksiin yhdessä Senior Associate Jonna Yli-Äyhön ja Associate Nelli Nurmisen kanssa.

Kuuntele jakso veloituksetta Spotifysta, SoundCloudista ja Apple Podcastista!


Kristiina Saravo
Talent Acquisition Manager
Mob. +358 50 522 1068